The Differences Between Dating And Hanging Out

The Differences Between Dating And Hanging Out

Dating and hanging out are two words that are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference between the two.

What is Dating?      

Dating is a term used to describe a period of time in which two people are interested in each other romantically. It can be seen as a precursor to a more serious relationship. Dating can take many different forms, from going out on dates to simply spending time together.

What is Hanging Out? 

When people say they are “hanging out,” they are usually referring to a casual, relaxed relationship in which there is no expectation of commitment. Hanging out can involve going out for drinks, watching a movie, or just spending time together talking. It is often used as an informal term for dating, but it is not always necessary to have a romantic relationship to hang out.

What is the Difference Between Dating and Hanging Out? 

1. Dating is a serious commitment whereas hanging out is just for fun.

Dating is a serious commitment whereas hanging out is just for fun. Dating involves meeting someone, getting to know them, and possibly even going on a date. There’s a lot of planning and effort that goes into dating, while hanging out is just about enjoying oneself and not necessarily looking for anything serious. For example, when someone hangs out with their friends they might not expect anything romantic to happen, but if they were to go on a date with that person they would be more likely to have expectations about the relationship.

2. Dating typically involves more communication than hanging out.

Dating typically involves more communication than hanging out. This is because dating is a way for two people to get to know each other better and figure out if they are compatible. Hanging out, on the other hand, is a way for two people to just enjoy each other’s company without necessarily looking for anything serious.

3. Dating is typically more formal than hanging out.

Dating is typically more formal than hanging out. In a date, you may dress up or try to impress your date with your appearance. On the other hand, in a hangout, you can wear whatever you want and be yourself.

4. Dating may involve more expectations than hanging out.

Dating can involve more expectations than hanging out. For example, when someone is dating, they may expect to go on dates, see each other frequently, and maybe even get married. Hanging out, on the other hand, may involve less expectation and be more about just being friends.

5. Hanging out typically involves less commitment than dating.

When people think of hanging out, they typically think of it as being less committed than dating. This is because hanging out typically involves spending time with friends and not necessarily spending time with someone you are interested in. This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your perspective. On the one hand, it can be fun to just hang out with friends without any pressure or expectations. However, on the other hand, if you are looking for a relationship, hanging out may not be the best way to go about finding one.

When is it Appropriate to Use Each Term?

Dating is a term typically used for people who are interested in getting to know each other better. It can involve going on dates, going out on dates, or even just spending time together. Hanging out is a term that is often used when two people are just friends and not involved in a romantic relationship. It can involve doing things like going to the movies, going for walks, or just talking.


While there is no definitive answer, it is generally accepted that dating refers to a more serious relationship while hanging out refers to a less serious relationship.

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